Monday, October 24, 2011

Our boy is a week old tonight! It's gone by very quickly, but at the same time, it feels as if this little creature has been here for a lot longer already! All 5 of us are absolutely ga-ga for this sleepy little sweetheart. He's pretty dozy, dozy and not the worlds' greatest eater: a week in and he's only 7 lbs 6 oz. We're hoping this week will be better than last! Nursing takes a good hour, and we've been having to wake him up to get some milk into this little guy! (hardest thing EVER to do in the middle of the night when you just want to sleep) Difficulties aside, we are just truly enjoying our little blessing! We can't stop staring at him! :)

Loving on his baby brother after he missed him all week! Grandma said he was asking about his baby brother Ian every day while at her place.

Grandpa meets Ian

Catching some rays to help get over some jaundice

My big helper: Possibly a future midwife?

My sweet sweet little man

Our big helper at it again!

Opa and Nana's enjoying their "last" grandchild.

(unless Ann and Matt change their minds and decide to have another! hehe)

Opa meets Ian

Brooke getting some cuddles in on her day home from SK.


Christel said...

Love, love, love the pictures! We CAN'T wait to meet Ian for ourselves. He is just adorable. Looks like Geneva is quite the helper. Perhaps she could come stay at our house for a few days. :) Love you all! Christel

Anonymous said...

I also love these pictures, makes me want to drive 5 hrs again to come hold him.I esp love that his sisters and brother love him so much and pray that it will always be that way...gma