Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Daddy time

Pretending to sleep
(Daddy wishing he could go back to sleep since our girls wake up at 6:30!)

Geneva loves it when Derek is home for the day. Since Derek is on shiftwork, he often doesn't see his girls for a few days (12 hour shifts) so he always loves his days off and wants to spend lots of time with them. Geneva goes to Derek's side of the bed every morning to look for Daddy and gets sooo excited when he's not at "yert" (work)

G's idea

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nana thinks you two are the cutest in the whole wide world! Neat Video. It worked but somehow I could'nt get sound. Next thing we need to figure out. Lots of hugs and kisses from Opa and Nana. Can't wait to kiss those cheekers in "real time" again!

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