Thursday, February 19, 2009

Oma turns 90!

This past weekend we celebrated my Grandma's 90th birthday! My mom's mom is such a special lady and we love her LOTS! She still lives on her own and is doing very well despite some ongoing health concerns... she knows and loves each one of her grandkids, and each of her 28 (29 and 30 are on the way!) great-grandchildren. What a legacy. My mom and aunts did an AMAZING job putting together a dinner and fun evening and my youngest cousins even had a ton of games and prizes all ready for the the great-grand-kidlets! The girls really love their Oma even though they only see her a couple times a year and can sense how special she is. One really cute moment was during dinner when Geneva stood up and said "I'm going to go say hi to Oma." She went over, gave her a hug and then came back to the table. Brookie then followed suit, went and hugged Oma too.
We pray Oma will have many more healthy, blessed years!

Micah was smiling and cooing while Oma was holding him (ok, I think he was actually talking to her corsage.)

We love our Oma!

Most of the great grandkids (minus the new babies and Eli and Cole) singing "He's got the whole world in his hands" The last verse was "He's got our Oma... in his hands" Very cute.

Sunday, February 08, 2009


The kids spent the day at home with Daddy on Weds am when I was teaching. They had a great morning of snow fort and snowman making, and even got to feed Micah his bottle! (Geneva had been looking forward to this bottle feeding experience for quite some time)
The girls LOVE staying at home with Daddy, I think he might just be a lot more fun that Mommy, who as of late seems to be slightly preoccupied with feeding a baby or cooking or cleaning something and too busy to play outside!

With Geneva's friend Teague

Bailey is still her favourite pet.

"Hi Grandma and Grandpa and Uncles, I can't wait to see you again on Saturday!"

Monday, February 02, 2009

Micah is 2 months old today!

Guy time.

I'm SOOO happy!

Tea party with the animals (and Brooke in case you couldn't see her, she blends right in.)

Helping Mommy make supper (if you can indeed call grilled cheese supper)

I love my sling and fall asleep as soon as Mommy puts me in (after 40 minutes of trying to fall asleep in my bed just before dinner time...This has happened 3 or 4 evenings this past week.)

You're putting me in this car seat contraption AGAIN!?

Micah's other commonly seen facial expression, aside from smiling.

Good book choice Geneva, I strongly recommend it to all other 2 monthers out there.
(It's my 2 month birthday today!)

Bright eyes


I suppose I should take pictures of my other children sometime too, huh? Next post. :0)