Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Huh? It's not June anymore?

This morning dawned, and June is no more! Happy Canada Day everyone!
We celebrated by hanging out at the park this morning with a picnic lunch. Sorry, no pictures to share. And we even had extra time/hands since we only went with 2 kids. G is at Gma and Gpas for the week, having the time of her life. She's keeping a journal with Grandma about what she's doing every day, it'll be fun for her to keep those special memories. We've talked a little bit each day on the phone, and I can just tell she is basking in the attention over there. She gets a little shafted sometimes at home, unfortunately..... It's a little quieter around here these days, but not too much since we're reminded that it's mostly Brooke who causes the commotion! Anywho, here are some pics of some June highlights.

Planting some veggies at the beg. of this month.

Geneva's last day of school!

Compare as we dare to this past September????? HOW has our daughter grown up this much in just one school year? She was still a baby when she started...She's wearing her raincoat both days, so it must have been a bit wet both mornings!

At Uncle Rudy and Aunt Tina's for Father's Day. The boys checking out the new kitties.

These boys LOVE the water!

At Twin Valley Zoo in Brantford. Great place to go with kiddos.

This picture strikes me as a bit amusing...