Well, just over 6 weeks left to go, and we're purty eager to find out who this little guppy is! :)
I've never done this before for any of our kids, but I'm curious to know what people think, so here's a bit of a poll...
When do you think this babe will arrive? Boy or girl? How big?
Some stats to keep in mind...
I'm due Oct 28
Geneva: 1 day late, 8 lbs 9 oz
Brooke: 5.5 weeks early, 5 lbs 13 oz
Micah: 2.5 weeks early, 7 lbs 11 oz
Leave a comment... Whoever's closest wins a prize! K, I haven't actually thought of what a good prize is... but I'll come up with something! :)
October 18.
8 lbs, 0 oz
20 inches
and I think it's another little girlie. :)
I think oct 26
7lbs 5 oz
19.6 in
Amd I think a little boy.
Best wishes to you and you family with the arrival of
The newest addition of your family
October 14
7 lbs 12 oz
You look fabulous by the way :)
Hi Andrea! I just read through the last few blog updates - great pictures!!
I don't have a calendar handy...I'm guessing 2.5 weeks earlier than your due date and I'm hoping to meet another Huisman baby boy, but I'll be all smiles for a little blonde girl too :-)
October 25
8lbs, 1oz
Uncle Bobby would love another niece... (excited if it was a boy too, but haven't had a new niece in a while :)
October 13
7lb 13 oz
sweet baby girl or boy
We are praying for this new little grandbaby every day! grandma
Oct 21
8 lbs 3 oz
I think another girl, 10 lbs,8 oz and 28 in. A big girl that you will name Ursula (but will deliver very easily don't worry)
Seriously, a girl and 7 lbs, 12 oz born October 13.
Hi Andrea! Couldn't help but join in the fun...
Ocotber 20
8 lbs 1 oz
Oct 31 (it's my birthday too!)
7 lbs, 2 oz
21 inches
a girl!
Greetings from your cousin in the Netherlands!
So I think Christel is the winner right date, right weight!..gma
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