Wednesday, December 01, 2010

estados unidos

Blog entry 1/3 or so... I have a bunch more pics to put up, but don't have time/energy tonight... Maybe tomorrow? We headed down to Midland for American Thanksgiving this past weekend. What a wonnnnderful weekend! I loooooove my family.
Here's a few pics compliments of our new camera via a great black friday sale! The old one just wasn't cutting it. 3 mpixels was top of the line back in the day... haha.
p.s. I'm not used to working with 12 mpixels... any advice anyone on how to upload big files without individually having to resize them all? I didn't resize these and they took for-ev-er to load up...

The wait was worth it though! How can you not just love this little face.
Meet Jayber! The new grandpuppy. This dog is SOOOOO cute! The girls fell head over heels in love.
The Mulder/Huisman clan!

The cupcake art...

The cupcake artists. Thanks Bert.

My baby is 2 tomorrow! We celebrated with my side of the family on Saturday. Gotta love the boy's face as we sing...

1 comment:

chellebird said...


The puppy! The little boy grin! The "blow...what?" face!