Sunday, September 12, 2010

Apple Pickin'

First time apple picking as a family was a great success. We could have easily picked 5 bushels and had to tell the kids "STOP picking apples!" Delicious Silken apples. Unfortunately, they don't decrease the amount per pound much when you pick them yourselves (perhaps because they know a family of 5 can easily munch away at least $5 worth of apples in a given hour) In fact, when we arrived, there was a couple ahead of us that, when hearing the price per pound, said "I think we'll just go to the grocery store" and left. So, our $xx worth of apples are actually almost all gone already. We paid only a few dollars more for an entire bushel later on in the week (different location) when Grandma came to make applesauce. (our yearly tradition) Anyway, it was fun and still totally worth it! Must stop always thinking in dollars and cents.
My mom would just say, "We raised you right." hehe

Is she double fisting it?

Had to throw this pic in of our garden. Aren't those massive sunflowers?!?

1 comment:

steph said...

Love the pics Andrea. Sometimes it's not about the price but the experience, eh?