Sunday, July 18, 2010


A blog update was much needed. Here are some pics from June!

Matching kids

"More more more!" (in reference to the freezie)

You're not going to share with me? I'm outta here.

Checking out the horses at the Dorsmans'

G's turn

Even Mikers had a turn. He didn't want to get off.

We went for a quick trot.

We had some baby robins up in our apple tree. The girls had so much fun watching them go from egg, to tiny helpless little things, to birds, to GONE from the nest!
The bird watchers

Brookie's 4th birthday party at the splash pad! With some of her buds.

Father's day! We love our daddy SOOO much!

On the new trampoline!

Our weekend away w/ no kiddos

G's trip with Derek to the Blue Jay's Game. At the CN tower.

Her favourite part of the game... the overpriced food. She loved her one-on-one time with Daddy.

Brooke having some one on one time with Daddy as well... I guess the book wasn't too exciting.

Playin' in the mud.

Chillin' out.

My busy, slightly crazy boy.


New Learnings said...

To be expected . . . beautiful children with beautiful parents. Such fun.

Christel said...

Yeah for updates! The kiddos are looking so grown up. Can't wait to get all five together sometime.