Tuesday, March 31, 2009

4 months!

In just a couple of days Micah will be 4 months old! A third of a year!
Here's a video I must've watched 7 times already just 'cause I love the intense look in his eyes as he tries SO hard to smack his toy!

And speaking of age milestones....next week, Derek will be 30! Here's a lovely pic compliments of bro-in-law Matt. :0)

The following are some pics from our March break in Midland while Derek stayed at home for a few days while wonderful Opa came and helped him with some projects around the house. We were away from Daddy for a whole week, and the girls were SO excited to see him when we came home! Derek hardly recognized Micah due to his gains and losses: while we were gone he probably gained about a pound and lost all his dark hair!

One of Brookie's most favourite people in the whole world. Although, admittedly, Bailey the dog does seem to trump even Grandma at times... :0)

Matching cuzs'. Eli is about 7 wks older than Micah and normally they don't look that much alike, but when dressed the same, different story. They didn't pay much attention to eachother here, too many toys to look at, but earlier, Micah was smiling at Eli while Eli tried to grab his face!

Bath time in the sink!

Thanks Grandma, for the nice scrub.

Buddy boy enjoying some rays.

B being a big helper: rolling the fur off Uncle Bobby.

Jammin' with Uncle Bri

G hanging out with one of her favourite people: Aunt Christel!

Huh? They're actually getting along and holding hands!?!? Take a picture QUICK!

Chillin' on the back porch.

On the weekend, we ditched Brooke at Grandma's and headed to Grand Rapids for Fri/Sat to see my GIRLS! I didn't stay as long as I would have liked too, but brothers and cousins and Uncles and Grandparents were beckoning us back! Here's Micah with Auntie Megs.

We missed you Sar-bear!

Geneva with her namesake, Aunt Cheli
(Geneva Michelle and Aunt Michelle in case you were saying HUH?)

And back in the homeland!
Getting ready to enjoy a sunny day outside. Terribly centered pic, I know, but I had to quick catch his smile!

"Cleaning up" after making yummy chocolately brownies (from scratch?!?!)

Gotta... get... every... last.... bit

Nice, Brookie, nice.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Just a few pics...

Just a quick post here of some pics from earlier this month.
I'll do my best to (soonishly) put up some pics from our Marvelous Midland March break!
This last one is of Brookie putting on a "tie" and saying "I look like Opa!"

Those big hands are ALWAYS moving!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Let's see how this works...

An experiment.... I'm hoping when we get a new computer (eventually?) to start with digital scrapbooking. This was just a freebie "smilebox" program where I could quickly plunk pictures into a background... turned out kind of cute though!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: first family photo shoot
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox scrapbook

Friday, March 06, 2009


A momentously big newsflash: Brookie is potty trained!!! Hooray!
Earlier this week, something just clicked, and she's telling me when she needs to go and is peeing and pooping on the potty (with only a few little accidents here and there) Hey, no one's perfect. She loves wearing her underwear, or "brukies." Brookie in brukies: how cute. She's especially fond of her Nana Dora brukes she got for Christmas.
I'm so excited that I now only have 1 in diapers! I did realize the other day that I have had 1 or 2 children in diapers consecutively for 4 1/2 years now... OUCH!

Giving piggy back rides to some big critters



Do we look alike or what?

Our happy boy wearing his outfit from "Aunt" Sarah and "Uncle "Matt.. is it scary to think of that our 3 month old is wearing 6 month sized clothes already???