Saturday, November 26, 2011

6 am update

Just a quick update while I nurse a baby who was up for 2 hours in the night (little stinker!) Hopefully he goes back to bed now so momma can catch up a smidge on sleep.

Things are going well here: Ian will be 6 weeks soon!

He's awake a lot more these days, and usually up for a good 3 hour stretch in the evening. Then he usually (although it's hard to say "usually" with a newborn) sleeps for a longer stretch after that: the other night he slept for 5 hours. Last night, only 3. Sigh. What can you do.

Tomorrow is Ian's baptism: will post pics of that sometime. :) SO excited to see my family and Derek's family again!!

We're so thankful for our little Ian and love him to smitherenes. (where on earth did that word come from?)

Time for me to go back to sleep for 2 minutes before the big kids wake up! Although, Ian is looking quite wide awake in his bassinette at the moment. . .

I'm ready for our walk, Mom!

Ian and his friend Molly (thoughtfully posed by Molly's owner, Brooke)

All bundled up with nowhere to go (other than around the block)

Geneva multitasking

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Figured it was time for an update!

Our little Ian is a month old tomorrow! Where does time go? Although he's still rather newbornish, he's really starting to change. He's grown out of his newborn clothes (because he's so long!) his neck's getting stronger and his skinny little chicken legs are starting to fill out! He's been awake a lot more lately and although he's still waking up twice a night, he's at least starting to figure out that night time means sleeping time... A few nights ago he slept from midnight til 5: That was a treat!

Here are a few pics from the last few weeks

Check out the skin colour difference between these boys. Jaundice city! It's pretty much gone now, but it took a good 3 weeks.

Huisman hike w/ Ed and Lori and fam

Checking out the Baltimore Oriele nest

All the Huisman girl grandkids

Snug as a bug

With big sis


Huisman hoagie!

M' boys

Can you tell who's actually sleeping?

These kids LOVE their baby bro

(the oldest kid does too, she just didn't make it into a lot of pictures lately) :0)

Chel came for a visit last weekend! What an awesome time I had with my college roomie! The kids absolutely loved her. She was so helpful with the kids: playing with them, babysitting them, burping them (ok, that one applies to just Ian) Thanks Chel Chel for a great weekend!!!
Thanks J and Rick for wanting to go on a road trip to TO and bringing her. I'll talk to the government about those confusing Canadian road signs for ya.

Building with Aunt Cheli

Puzzling with Aunt Cheli

Crystal came on Saturday too! SO much fun to spend time with my great gradeschool friend.
We had some good giggles. :)

A fairly typical look for Ian

So sleepy!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Our boy is a week old tonight! It's gone by very quickly, but at the same time, it feels as if this little creature has been here for a lot longer already! All 5 of us are absolutely ga-ga for this sleepy little sweetheart. He's pretty dozy, dozy and not the worlds' greatest eater: a week in and he's only 7 lbs 6 oz. We're hoping this week will be better than last! Nursing takes a good hour, and we've been having to wake him up to get some milk into this little guy! (hardest thing EVER to do in the middle of the night when you just want to sleep) Difficulties aside, we are just truly enjoying our little blessing! We can't stop staring at him! :)

Loving on his baby brother after he missed him all week! Grandma said he was asking about his baby brother Ian every day while at her place.

Grandpa meets Ian

Catching some rays to help get over some jaundice

My big helper: Possibly a future midwife?

My sweet sweet little man

Our big helper at it again!

Opa and Nana's enjoying their "last" grandchild.

(unless Ann and Matt change their minds and decide to have another! hehe)

Opa meets Ian

Brooke getting some cuddles in on her day home from SK.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's a boy!


Ian Nathaniel Huisman

October 18 @ 3:26

8 lbs 21 inches

Our 'lil man, fresh out of the oven.

Ian's name means "God is gracious" and indeed, He is!

It's a.... boy!!! I was so shocked, I really, truly, honestly thought we were having a girl! Not that I'm disappointed. I wouldn't trade him for all the girls in the world: and really, I was secretly hoping for a boy. As was Derek. Although perhaps not so secretly: in his words to the midwife, just a few hours before Ian arrived: "We'll be happy with whatever we have" and in the same breath: "But a boy would be nice." :)

Our secondary midwife, Rhea.

Our primary midwife, Sarah. Awesome Burlington midwives!

Round that up to an 8!

Proud poppa of 4! Couldn't have made it through without him there. :)

It was a quick labour/delivery, but very very very intense. To sum it up quickly: Light contractions started at 8, went away by 10. They were back at 11pm, we were at the hospital just after midnight, and he was born 3 hours later! Crazy painful, intense, but WHAT a reward at the end! Wowsaz.

My peeps! (and perhaps the noisiest hospital visitors!)

Big, big sister Brooke

One of my favourite pics: can't you just see this big, big, big sister just a beaming!!!

Guess who's a big brother now!

Home! Was so glad I was able to come home to sleep. (although sleep proved somewhat elusive...) No private rooms available at the hospital: a ward with 3 neighbours: not so bad, quiet babies and all. BUT they had noisy visitors ALLLL day long: very annoying!

Our lovely neighbour Margaret who stayed with our big kiddos in the middle of the night!

Me and my babies! No chance to get a family pic of the 6 (!!!!) of us together yet!

We got home from the hospital just in time to let the kids say hi and goodnight to Ian.

Micah really wanted to hold "my baby bother" and was quite interested in touching and holding him (and beeping his nose.)

My 3 boys! Aren't they handsome?

Chillin' on Grandma's lap

Sleeping lots during the day today... too bad that wasn't the case last night. To sum it up, this sleep-deprived Momma wasn't good and asleep til 4 am!

More pictures another time! The girls are home from school now and are having some Ian-time. Micah's gone to Grandma's for the rest of the week, so things are relatively quiet around here. Relatively. :) Feeding time!

Come and visit us: we'd love to show off the newest Huisman. :)