Monday, August 30, 2010

Camping trip #2

We went camping at Cran Hill Ranch, a small Christian campground near Big Rapids, Michigan
We had the best site ever! Grass, water, trees, what could be better!

View from our site that evening.

We enjoyed doing some things w/out Mikers. Grandma watched him for a few days! What a treat.

The approach...

The attempt...

The assistance. Cousins don't hug, they high 5!

Some of our camping visitors!

The loading...

The farewells...
The push...
The lost girl! Oops.

Brooke doesn't know how this happened. The muck pulled her in apparantly! Uncle Brian, who was taking these pics, seemed not to notice.... :)

One of Cran Hill Ranch's lovely farm animals. What a fun campground!

The whole Mulder gang came up on Weds afternoon and brought our Micah for a visit. Otherwise, the camping was completely Miker-free!

Animal watching

We went tubing down the _____ River... I'm drawing a blank as to what it was called.


Tied up to Daddy

Catching minnows

Brookie got a splinter...

Mother hen tried to help calm her down...

....and promise her a special piece of paper from her special note pad....

...but she was still sad.

The End!

Other summer stuff

Visitin' Oma!

Picking/eating berries
Too busy to pose/smile
Verrrrry tasty raspberries

Boy at the beach

camping trip #1

We got our camera back! Hooray! Here's some pics of our camping trip with Dave and Karen @ the Pinery. Twas busy with 2 very active little 1 year old boys, but we had lots of fun!
Sorry Dave, not the most fetching picture of you... :0) but it's the only pic I have of you guys: the rest are of your children!

Micah's naps happened like this

Or this... (fell asleep after eating a few smarties. We asked him if he was tired and he nodded yes as he fell asleep.)

Beach babe

Trying on hats at the visitor centre


How the boys spent a lot of their time.

Spikey hair is complements of yogurt for lunch

Craft time!

More time in the pen!

Working hard doing dishes.

Monday, August 09, 2010

August photos

Well, the camera got itself lost.
So, please use your imagination here as you view our pictures.
This photo is of Geneva suddenly realizing that she can, indeed, play soccer; stealing the ball from the purple team, getting a break away, and scoring her first goal ever! On her birthday!
This is Geneva and her crazy friends playing on the slip and slide at her birthday party. This is Brooke running on the slip and slide for fear of accidentally getting damp.
These are the new webkins Geneva has picked out from the catalogue to buy with her birthday money from her friend Jenna. The unicorn is for her and the golden retriever is for Brookie because "Bailey is getting too grungy."
This is Brookie on the trampoline with Micah as she throws her child-size teddy bear overboard, resulting in Mommy's heart to stop beating. (Can you picture how this may have freaked me out considering the bear was wearing Micah's old clothes???) Big Bear subsequently is NOT allowed on trampoline.
This is Micah and the girls at "Touch a Truck" day in Midland while we were at Grandma's. Here, he's sitting on a small street sweeper type thingy and looking at the street sweeper man with the expression of, "Really guy? You're going to let me sit on your truck here? Awesome!"
This is Micah playing tag with Daddy (inside the house) and bonking his noggin (the noggin which causes the poor lad to be remarkably top-heavy) on the window latch. Only a little blood.
Hope you enjoyed our photos! Unfortunately, these aren't and won't ever be real pictures. Nope, we weren't smart enough to borrow one, and not rich enough to buy a new one... But at least I've recorded them here. Hopefully I'll be able to remember them just as well. :)
Last night, we discovered while on the phone with Uncle Bobby that our camera has been located and wants to come home. Apparantly it was hiding out at Grandma and Grandpa's. We're excited to have Ol' Click return home. He may not be new or provide images above the amount of 4 mega pixels... but he takes some pretty neat shots of some memories we don't ever want to forget. Once he returns, we'll share some pictures of our FUN camping trip with our good good friends.

lots of love