Saturday, December 26, 2009

toothless wonder

Today she was singing, "All I want for Christmas is my one front tooth..."

Haircut, Gingerbread Houses, Presents, Cousins, and Sledding... Just a taste of our wonderful Christmas week!

Waiting patiently... stockings in hand.

The twins all decked out and handsome for Christmas.

Woo hoo!

Merry Christmas!

First haircut, compliments of Aunt Tina.

This kid doesn't sit still for much... Brave Auntie kept him pretty still!

Starting to look much better!

Earlier that day... making gingerbread houses with Justin Riley and Abigail!

THEN.... off to the U S of A!
Here are a cute herd of dino-baby cousins!

Big dinos have had enough!

Oldest and youngest cousins.

Snuggling with Uncle Bri

Baby Luke!

5 grandkids within 5 years, not bad eh?

Geneva's first time holding Luke. Last visit she was a sicky-kid. All healthy and SO happy to hold her newest cuz!

Busy boys.

Love this sequence of Brookie pics.

Sledding in the backyard! We were able to go skating too. (and curling!) so it actually felt like winter. Then we got to come back home to our green grass. :)

The crew!
Another haircut. This one took a bit longer than a normal cut.... But MAN does it look good. :)
(Loved the cape by the way Bobs)
A wonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndeful week!!!! Mom and Dad and Opa and Nana are always so good to us. THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!
MERRY Christmas!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

is this the first time i've posted with NO pictures!?

We're still alive over here! Just busy and haven't taken many pictures or had the time to update the blog! But, I've vowed to take the evening off, and just veg tonight.

I'm back at work part time (15 hours) for our church, and am a few weeks in and having fun thus far! Feeling challenged, but a little overwhelmed at times.... :) Hoping God will use me however he sees fit! My homeschool group is going well, it's nice to have had a Weds morning off this morning though. I'll pick that back up in January.

Geneva's still liking kindergarten lots, loves to write and draw. Really into playing house lately. She's about to lose a big front tooth! She keeps wiggling and wiggling... She's excited for it to fall out.

Brookie's her usual follow-my-mommy-around-and watch everything she does type self. She doesn't really play much, but is happiest to help me do things... and really, I don't know quite what she does all day!

Micah is super happy when his teeth aren't bugging him one-year-old self. He definitely keeps me busy, this busy, busy boy. He's recently figured out how to get our baby gate loose and sneaks up the stairs. He's also mastered going down the stairs, when I point him in the right direction instead of face forward! Actually, the other day I left him on the main floor while I did something with the girls upstairs and when I came back down after 2 minutes he was gone... the basement door must've been open a tiny bit, and he either fell down the stairs and didn't hurt himself, or somehow miraculously remembered to turn around and went down! It kinda scared me, but he just smiled at me and crawled away quickly. what a guy.

Derek was excited to hear the news that he's getting full time status in January! A schedule! Benefits! Vacation time! Nothing's in writing yet, but they say it'll happen, so here's hoping and praying! We're excited to see this happen!
He's taking a break from doing youth group at church, he did it for 7 years and was ready for a break. He's enjoying having some free time to do some more projects around the house and loving having power in his shed to work on stuff at night! Loves his shed. :)

Well, that about brings us up to speed, sorta! Sorry, no pics, but I'm sure we'll take some over Christmastime. :) Our camera's not the most reliable these days... Still trying to convince Derek we should get one on a boxing day sale.

Anyway, Merry Happy Blessed Christmas to everyone! May you be able to celebrate the true reason for this holiday!

Side note: Brookie asks me every day, "How many days until Christmas?" and I usually tell her, but today she asked a different question: "Is Christmas in the morning time or night time?" I tried to tell her that Christmas Day is all day and really the 1 special day we celebrate Jesus' birthday, but all the days that lead up to that special day are what makes Christmas so neat. Then Geneva and I talked about how really, ALL YEAR we can celebrate that Jesus came to the earth too! We can sing songs to him and pray to him and thank him all year that he was born as a special, special baby. Not sure how much B actually got out of that convo, but its' been really neat to see her little mind try to figure things out. :)

All right, enough writing for me! Thanks for letting me share our lives!
Love, Andrea

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Just had to share this

While I was making dinner tonight, Geneva gave this to Brooke. Gva's first letter done all by herself. Rather cute, I'd say. I'll have to post some of Brookie's "artwork" sometime too. So far, Brooke can write the letter O. Really well. We're working on the letter B. :0)

some assorted pics

Hey! Long time no blog. Here are some pics from November thus far. Things are good here: I'm back at work this week. Which I'm excited about... and I'll admit, slightly annoyed about: due to the fact that somehow an entire year has gone by. SIGH. Anyway, pray for my sanity as this begins! And that God would use me however he sees fit. :0)

These 2 pics sum up what Micah's been playing with these days.. Little People apparantly taste really good.

Isn't my hubby just so creative? :)

A chilly day

Taken by our 5 year old resident photographer

Playing tigers in the zoo

Thursday, October 22, 2009

4 posts in one day??? Unheard of.

Just had to share some of Geneva's artwork. Can you guess which Disney character this is supposed to be? Not bad for a 5 year old, I think.

Who needs peanut butter and jam...

...when you can have a Geneva and Brooke sandwich!
(That's what Geneva called it.)


Just had to include these hilarious few pics... Our kids are SOOOO photogenic!



So, could you tell he wasn't feeling 100 percent? Mean mommy still made him go outside.

We LOVE fall!