Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas 2006

Brooke's first Christmas
(Our house)

Abigail Huisman

Justin and Riley Huisman

Uncle Ed (D's brother) and Brooke and the beautiful blanket Lori crocheted for Brooke

At Opa and Nana's with Kyle and Travis Huisman

We're back home after almost a week away! On the morning of Thursday the 21st we had some family Christmas time at our house before we headed out for Derek's parents place. Hung out with Ed and Lori on Thursday and with the rest of the fam on Friday night. It was so good to see Derek's family again and all the nephews and niece! Our girls got soooooooo spoiled! Lots of clothes, which is always very nice. Geneva's faves were her Dora things -Dora colouring book, Dora cup, Dora doll and a Dora cash register. WOW, I think she's set for life! On Saturday it was off to my parents. All the bros were home, which was lotsa fun. The Mulder gift-exchange was GREAT! Crystal got her "Things you need to know about the Mulder family" book (compliments of Rob) and the people-person-presents were exchanged with great excitement! On Monday we headed back to Wyoming and got to hang out with Brent, Erin, and Lish Campbell for a while, and then headed out the following morning for Boxing Day in Woodstock with my mom's side of the family. We found out a few days later that pretty much EVERYONE there (60 plus people) got the flu that night! Just a select few, including Christel and we Huismans seem to have missed it, somehow!!! PHEW.
Anyway, we had a wonnnnnnnnnderful Christmas season and enjoyed our time with our families soooooooooo much. God is good!

Geneva thanking Nana

C'mon Uncle Dave, how can you read when someone this cute is sitting on your lap?

Dave, Christel, Geneva

Funcle BrianUncle Rob
Grandpa giving Geneva an electric Dora toothbrush!
Mom fixed Brian's favourite sweater!
Canadian Corn Pops are Sooooooooooo much better than American ones. And wow, don't they look verrrry excited.

The whole fam, well, minus our girls, they were in bed already at this point! Do you know how long it took to coordinate this picture? :)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas!

We hope and pray that everyone has a wonderful holiday and a very very Happy New Year! love, us!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My babies


OHHHH so happy!

Jolly Jumpin'

Hi everyone! Things are well. Taught today and got a whole buncha Voortman cookies as a present - I think they had them in Michigan too from what I recall. They make windmill cookies and other yummy dutchish sort of kinds. The factory's in Burlington and one of the Voortman grandkids is in my class, so I think they have access to LOTSA free cookies. MMMM. (Yes, Julie, that's why I gave you some, too many cookies in my house!!!) Oh, in case anyone's wondering, I teach homeschoolers just a morning a week. I just started last week, and it's going really well so far. It's great to be back in the teaching swing of things.
Anyway, no pictures of teaching, but here are some pictures of my beauties. Enjoy

Monday, December 04, 2006


SOOOO hard to believe that it's December. It was so much fun to set up the tree. Geneva loves it. The other day when the lights are on she looked at it and says, "oooooh, nice trismes tee!"
Our 90, yes 90 (!) year old neighbour who I clean house for called me up and asked if we wanted her tree. We were a little sceptical.... after all, she's 90, how old would her Christmas tree be?!?!?! hehe. We decided to risk it and accept her generosity! WELL, it did smell a little musty, but it's purrrrty nice! HOORAY, we have a tree!

SOOO, Our Pastor at church had such a great message on Sunday. YA, it's the minister's job to tell you, "Remember the reason we celebrate Christmas" but I guess I'd always heard and and agreed: Yup, yup, remember the reason. And then get caught up in all the business and shopping and wrapping anyway. This year, even though Geneva is still so young, I hope we can somehow show her how neat all the lights and presents and treats and seeing family can be, but that they don't mean a THING if you don't know what Christmas is all about. JESUS! Coming as a helpless baby. Coming for US!
"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" is one of the most popular Christmas songs... People think that this year the "holiday season" will be perfect and wonderful and everyone will get along and it'll all be sooooo lovely. When in truth, it doesn't usually happen! We need to, as PK said, "Let Christmas come crashing into us this year!" And be reminded again. And again. And again. :)
Love you all, and hope we can all find time to chill this month!

Brent AKA "Butt"

For the past 6 weeks we had Derek's cousin (well, step-cousin technically) living with us! He graduated on Friday and is now back at home, but Geneva is still asking for "Butt." Anyway, Geneva LOVED Brent being here and seems confused as to why he's not here anymore. Brent's a great guy, we really enjoyed having him around. He went to school to become a CO (corrections officer) at the same school Derek went to. He graduated right up at the top of his class, so the distractions of two kids didn't affect him too negatively! His wife, Erin, (top pic) is expecting in March(ish?) so we kept telling him having kids around was good practice for the near future. Couldn't convince him to change a diaper though (just kidding, changing a 2 year old's diaper is just a weeee bit different than your own newborn)
Erin and Brent's sister Lish (bottom pic) came down to watch him graduate. Congrats Brent! Hope the new job is going well! Keep those inmates under control! We miss you!

Monday, November 27, 2006

American Thanksgiving

Well, it's without fail. Whenever we get together with my fam, we never take many pictures. It's not for lack of interesting things going on. Not by any means: we went paintballing, curling, hill-running, played basketball, listened to a few Mulder jam sessions, played an inummerable amount of games, etc etc etc. But perhaps we are just too busy or having too much fun to take pictures!?
We had such a nice weekend with the fam. I LOOOOOOVE going home and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Sadly, gramps wasn't home, off flying for the weekend. He would have gladly given that up for a weekend with his fam and we missed him lots. Got to spend some quality time with my future sister in law and Geneva got asked a BIG question.... Would she like to be a FLOWER GIRL!!!!!!!! Hooray! I pretty much had tears in my eyes; I felt so honoured that Neves gets to play such a neat part in the big Mulder/Deal merge! :) We couldn't be happier with God's choice of mate for "Daze." Pretty amazing stuff right there.
Anyway, we stopped off at Dad and Rita's on the way home for a short visit- longer one next time, we promise guys!
Ok, long enough post. I'll attach a few of the pics I actually did take. Love you fam! Can't wait to see you at Christmas time when we can celebrate Jesus' birth together!

OH, and for your viewing pleasure here are a few typically-expanded, over-detailed, over-zealous-since-we-only-spend-20-dollars-on-our-"people person"type Mulder Christmas lists! Sorry Bri and Mom, your list pictures were too fuzzy to read.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Few Favourites

Just a few favourites from the past few months.... ok, a lot of favourites. :)